Showing 2 Result(s)

Early Cinema in Karlsruhe

Preliminary Remark The following text is an expanded version of the text that was published in “A look at history – Contributions to Karlsruhe city history” (OT: Blick in die Geschichte – Karlsruher stadthistorische Beiträge), No. 135, on June 17, 2022. The text aims to depict the first years of early cinema in Karlsruhe; i.e. …

An Unforgettable Experience

  … was for me in every conceivable way the event for the fortieth anniversary of the Karlsruhe Kinemathek, which, as I have explained elsewhere *, should better be called “Municipal Cinema”. The event took place in September 2014 and I haven’t thought about it for a long time. Or rather: I had probably repressed …