Showing 4 Result(s)

Early Cinema in Karlsruhe

Preliminary Remark The following text is an expanded version of the text that was published in “A look at history – Contributions to Karlsruhe city history” (OT: Blick in die Geschichte – Karlsruher stadthistorische Beiträge), No. 135, on June 17, 2022. The text aims to depict the first years of early cinema in Karlsruhe; i.e. …

The new film concept of Baden-Württemberg from a Karlsruhe point of view (with special consideration of the Karlsruhe film festivals)

The new film concept of Baden-Württemberg appeared in autumn last year. The current situation is analyzed on a good 100 pages and the course is set for the future. When creating the concept, the Ministry of Science, Research and Art was supported by an advisory board made up of several experts, including: B. Susanne Marschall, …

An Unforgettable Experience

  … was for me in every conceivable way the event for the fortieth anniversary of the Karlsruhe Kinemathek, which, as I have explained elsewhere *, should better be called “Municipal Cinema”. The event took place in September 2014 and I haven’t thought about it for a long time. Or rather: I had probably repressed …