Showing 9 Result(s)

Early Cinema in Karlsruhe

Preliminary Remark The following text is an expanded version of the text that was published in “A look at history – Contributions to Karlsruhe city history” (OT: Blick in die Geschichte – Karlsruher stadthistorische Beiträge), No. 135, on June 17, 2022. The text aims to depict the first years of early cinema in Karlsruhe; i.e. …

Looking for Fanny Carlsen

Preliminary remark: This text was mostly written in the course of 2021. Many references to the entries refer to this, e.g. B on etc. In the meantime, the level of information regarding Fanny Carlsen has changed fundamentally. The following text explains how this happened. I probably first became aware of Fanny Carlsen when I …

February 2022: Silent films in Köln

Some weeks ago one could attend a couple quite special cinematographic events in Köln: “Frau im Mond” (1929) and “Spione” (1928) by Fritz Lang have been screened at the Filmforum NRW, right next to the Dom, in the framework of the “Filmreihe Fritz Lang – Ikone der Filmgeschichte mit Livemusik”. The third and last …

Photo Museum of Cinema, Turin, Inside

The most beautiful film museum in the world

(Traduzione italiana di seguito) … is at least in my opinion the National Museum of Cinema in Turin. Probably I knew already before visiting the Berlinale in 2004 that there was a cinema museum in Turin. But it wasn’t until I saw the film “Dopo Mezzanotte” (After Midnight) by Davide Ferrario in the program of …